Over the past few months, I’ve been working on an exciting, new Ukulele Tricks project! Today, I get to reveal it to you.
I’m thrilled to announce a new, interactive Ukulele Tricks’ lesson book titled Learn Ukulele Today, now available on the iTunes iBooks Store.
Learn Ukulele Today, packed into an iBook format for the iPad, is one of the most interactive and intuitive, all-in-one lesson resources I’ve ever created to learn to play the ukulele, featuring a beautiful interface, easy-to-follow audio demonstrations, high-resolution images, and detailed ukulele notation, tab and sheet music.
For the aspiring, brand new, beginning ukulele player, Learn Ukulele Today is a complete crash course to learn how to play ukulele, covering everything from how to tune and hold your ukulele to playing actual songs. Everything you need to start playing the ukulele and improve your skills is right at your fingertips. This interactive 44-page book, formatted specifically for the iPad, is jam-packed with the most essential parts to playing the ukulele like:
- How to properly tune, hold and strum the ukulele
- The most essential “must-know” ukulele chords used to play thousands of songs
- How to strum three easy, versatile strumming patterns
- Four well-loved, beginner-friendly songs you can play to impress your friends and family
For your benefit, also included are playable audio demonstrations embedded right within the book allowing you to hear exactly how the ukulele is tuned and how the strumming patterns and songs should sound, as seen on the page. While being able to read sheet music is not required to follow along with this book, song notations, detailed images, illustrations and chord diagrams are included, to help you easily learn the concepts and techniques laid out in this book.
Get and download a sample of Learn Ukulele Today at the iTunes iBooks Store here.
Learn Ukulele Today Table of Contents
To save yourself time, packed into 44 pages, Learn Ukulele Today is organized in a progressive, easy-to-follow manner, using detailed diagrams, illustrations, tabs, notation and audio tracks to demonstrate the concepts:
Chapter 1: Welcome
+ Start Playing Ukulele Today
Chapter 2: About the Ukulele
+ Exploring Ukulele Sizes
+ Parts of the Ukulele
+ Tuning Up Your Ukulele
+ Holding and Strumming the Ukulele
Chapter 3: Chords and Strumming
+ Your First Ukulele Chords
+ Your First Strumming Pattern
+ Your First Song
Chapter 4: Expanding Your Ukulele Skills
+ Must-Know Ukulele Chords
+ Varying Strumming Patterns
Chapter 5: 3 More Easy Songs You Can Play
+ “Auld Lang Syne”
+ “Camptown Races”
+ “I’ve Been Working On the Railroad”
Chapter 6: Further Resources
+ Where Do I Go From Here?
+ Final Thoughts
Get and download a sample of Learn Ukulele Today at the iTunes iBooks Store here.
Inside Look: Learn Ukulele Today
Learn Ukulele Today features a slick, beautiful design with many interactive elements available right at your fingertips including high-resolution images, audio demonstrations, tabs, notation, and more:
Start Playing Ukulele Today
Maybe it’s been your lifelong wish to play an instrument. Maybe you have kids or grandkids you wish to play music with. Maybe you’re a teacher and are interested in using the ukulele in the classroom. Maybe you heard or watched someone play the ukulele and thought to yourself, “I can do that!” Wherever you’re coming from, Learn Ukulele Today, gives you everything you need to start making actual, beautiful-sounding music on the ukulele.
Note: Learn Ukulele Today is designed for the iPad, but it can also be read and accessed using the iBooks program on a Mac computer with OS X Mavericks installed.
Get and download a sample of Learn Ukulele Today at the iTunes iBooks Store here.
Hi Brett,
I just signed up for your Ukulele video lesson series when I noticed your iPad application. I would prefer the iPad interactive book since I imagine I wouldn’t need Internet connection once downloaded and hence it would be more portable. Yet, I don’t want to pay for both. Any suggestions?
All the best, JackMD
Hi John, for more in depth instruction to playing the ukulele, I highly recommend the Ukulele Tricks’ video lesson course Ukulele Strumming Tricks. This iPad iBook Learn Ukulele Today won’t be as in depth as Ukulele Strumming Tricks but makes a great supplement for offline reference, especially for the price.
Hi Brett,
Will the ebook be available for android in the future?
Kind regards
Hi Ian, if it garners enough interest, I’d love to look at that possibility in the future, but I don’t have any plans yet to bring it over to Android.
had my wallet out and…no android version…check the google play store and you’ll see the offerings there are pretty bad…this would be welcomed.
Thanks for your feedback, Dan.
HI Brett
I just got a uke and got your ebook to get me started. this might be the stupidest question you’ve ever had but… in your sheet music for twinkle twinkle little star, the written notes don’t seem to correspond with the notes that are written.. what’s going on there?
haha just read my post and realised how little sense it made.
what I mean is, the letter G is written on top of the page – but the note D is shown on the staff itself.
it goes like this throughout. the notes in the staff do not match the notes that are written in the tab or in letters above the staff
Hi Teresa, hah, not a problem! The letters written above the notes indicate chords. This means that the chord letters will not directly correspond to the notes in the sheet music. Although, in the case of the G chord, with a little music theory, you know that the notes G-B-D make up a G chord. So this D note in the music staff fits and harmonizes very nicely when you strum a G chord on the ukulele and sing that D note.
Brett, are any of your books suitable for baritone ukes? Thanks, Mike
Hi Mike, at this time, I don’t offer any books or ukulele lesson resources specific to the baritone ukulele.
I have a baritone uke and I just play the chord stated in the music and practice the strumming and finger patterns in the lesson. I know my chords but need to practice the strumming and finger patterns. Not the best solution but it works to practice.
Is the book available for the Android? I don’t use Apple products. Please don’t forget Android!
Same i dont use an apple product
Just letting you know that there is definitely an interest in android equivalent. 🙂
hi Brett …I’ve got a question about an other book 😉
page 18 from ukulele ecercises for dummies (track 1)
de numbers on the TABlines are they the numbers from the frets or the numbers from the fretting hand?
Hi Plox, in Ukulele Exercises For Dummies, the numbers on the tab lines are the numbers from the frets. I recommend reading Chapter 1 where I explain how to read the ukulele tabs!
Another Android user here Brett :0) It would be ideal for my Nexus. Thanks for all the lessons and help :0)
I would be very interested in this book in an android version as I would like to be able to use it but don’t have an ipad. Hope you will consider doing it soon. Thank you.
I definitely would be interested in an Android version as well. Little disappointing it’s no there from the get go. I have had Apple but left it for many reasons. Thanks for what I can access online.
Just putting in my vote for an android version… thanks!
Hi Brett another vote for Android from me too cheers
Another Android user! I would also like an app for off line use….. Thanks
Android gets my vote too. Not an Apple user.