There’s nothing quite as peaceful as listening to the melody of a song intricately picked and strummed on the ukulele.
This style of playing ukulele is known as chord melody or solo fingerpicking. You combine the melody and harmony of the song to create a rich and beautiful sound.
Today I give you a free arrangement including the sheet music and ukulele tab of the well-loved Hawaiian song Hawai’i Aloha, one of six arrangements in the new Hawaiian Chord Melody course now available to all members in Club Ukulele.
About Hawai’i Aloha
Hawai’i Aloha was written by Lorenzo Lyons and is sung to the tune of I Left It All With Jesus a hymn written by James McGranahan. Lyons a Christian missionary who came to Hawaii from Boston in May 1832 dedicated his life to the native Hawaiians learning the language and composing many songs and hymns.
The song Hawai’i Aloha is sung by small and large group gatherings in Hawaii including the inauguration of the Governor of Hawai’i and the opening sessions of the Hawai’i State House of Representatives and Hawai’i State Senate.
Learn Hawai’i Aloha
Watch the video and take a listen now.
Learn to play this song today with the sheet music and ukulele tab.
Click here to download the sheet music and ukulele tab for Hawai’i Aloha.
Note: Not sure how to read ukulele tab? Check out this free lesson here.
If you’re a beginner, you might be wondering if you can play this.
Remember that chord melody is an intermediate to advanced way of playing ukulele. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t start learning the skills required to play in the chord melody style. While this might be outside your reach now, by taking the right steps, you can play this song one day.
Learn to Play Chord Melody with Fingerpicking Tricks
If it’s your dream to fingerpick the ukulele and play chord melody, then, you can do it.
If you’re a new to chord melody, then, I recommend starting with the Fingerpicking Tricks course where you learn to fingerpick the ukulele in four distinct styles including chord melody.
You have the exact steps you need in Fingerpicking Tricks.
Why don’t you join me?

Learn chord melody and more. Take your fingerpicking skills to the next level on the ukulele, learning fingerpicking pieces in four distinct styles.