Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes Teaching Yourself Ukulele
You’ve been teaching yourself ukulele for a couple months now and play religiously every day.
You even know a handful of beginner ukulele chords and a strumming pattern.
You want to continue to see improvement.
But you don’t want to pick up bad habits.
And you also don’t know if you’re even using your time wisely to learn the most important things.
You’ve heard it’s possible to learn an instrument by teaching yourself. Heck, your neighbor Jim said he learned the “self taught” way. However, if you’ve never played an instrument before, how do you know if you’re on the right track? What are the best practices for teaching yourself? And is it even possible?
If I were to go back in time and learn ukulele again, I could probably list 100 mistakes I made, but out of all of those, I would absolutely avoid making these 3 mistakes.
I want to warn you though – some of what I’m about to say might make you feel uncomfortable.
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